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503 - Connect failed (Privnown
* CSS for Privoxy CGI and script output
* Id: cgi-style.csv
* General rules: Fon Colo Heading Margin Links
bodtth { font-family: aria helvetic hel sans-serif }
body { background-color: #ffffff color: # }
h1 { font-size: 140% margin: 0px }
h2 { font-size: 120% margin: 0px }
h3 { font-size: 110% margin: 0px }
pre{ margin-left: 15px }
li { margin: 2px 15px }
dl { margin: 2px 15px }
{ color: #0000dd text-decoration: none }
a:visited { color: # text-decoration: none }
a:active{ color: #3333ff text-decoration: none }
* BoxenTable elements:
td.title { border: solid black 1px background-color: #dddddd }
{ border: solid black 1px background-color: #eeeeee }
{ border: solid black 1px background-color: #ff }
td.warning { border: solid black 1px background-color: #ffdddd }
* Special Table Boxen: for nestin naked container and for
* the Status fieldCGI Output:
td.wrapbox { border: solid black 1px padding: 5px }
td.container { padding: 0px }
td.status{ border: solid black 1px background-color: #ff0000 color: #ffffff font-size: 300% font-weight: bolder }
* Same Boxens:
{ border: solid black 1px background-color: #dddddd margin: 20px padding: 20px }
{ border: solid black 1px background-color: #eeeeee margin: 20px padding: 20px }
{ border: solid black 1px background-color: #ff margin: 20px padding: 20px }
div.warning{ border: solid black 1px background-color: #ffdddd margin: 20px padding: 20px }
div.wrapbox{ border: solid black 1px
margin: 20px padding:5px }
* Bold definitions grey BG for table heading transparent (no-bordered table
dt { font-weight: bold }
th { background-color: #dddddd }
table.transparent { border-style: none}
* Special purpose paragraphs: Small for page footer
* Important for quoting wrongdangerous example
* Whiteframed for the toggle?mini=y CGI
p.small { font-size: 10px margin: 0px }
p.important { border: solid black 1px background-color: #ffdddd font-weight: bold padding: 2px }
p.whiteframed { margin: 5px padding: 5px border: solid black 1px text-align: center background-color: #eeeeee }
* Linksbuttons:
td.buttons {
padding: 2px
a.cm td.comdentbuttons td.buttons a {
white-space: nowrap
width: auto
padding: 2px
background-color: #dddddd
text-decoration: none
1px solid #ffffff
border-left: 1px solid #ffffff
border-bottom: 1px solid #
border-right:1px solid #
a.cmd:hove td.comdentbuttons a:hove td.buttons a:hover {
background-color: #eeeeee
a.cmd:activ td.comdentbuttons a:activ td.buttons a:active {
1px solid #
border-left: 1px solid #
border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff
border-right:1px solid #ffffff
* Special red emphasis:
em.warnin strong.warning { color: #ff0000 }
*show-statususe tables directly behind headlines
* and for some reasonanother the headlines are set to
* "margin:0" and leave the tablesairbreath.
* A proper fix wouldto replaceremove the "margin:0
* butthis affects every cgi pagedoanother time
* and use this workaround until then.
.box table { margin-top: 1em }
* Let the URL and pattern input fields scale with the browser
* width and tryprevent vertical scroll barsthe width
*less thancharacters.
input.ur input.pattern { width: 95% }
ThisPrivoxy 3.0.15unknown ( port 811
This Privoxy versionbasedbeta code and
not intended for production systems!
Useyour own risk. See the license for details.
Connect failed
Your request for /skin/hongxiu/include/feisushow.php could
notfulfille because the connection to( could notestablished.
Thisoften a temporary failuryou might just
try again.
More Privoxy:
Privoxy main pageViewchange the current configurationView the source code version numbersView the request headersLookwhich actions applya URL and whyDocumentation
Support and Service:
The Privoxy Team values your feedback.provide you with the best suppor
we ask that you:
use the Support Tracker
if you need help.
submit ads and configuration related problems with the actions files through the
Actionsfile Feedback Tracker.
submit bugs only through the
Bug Tracker.
Please make sure that the bug has not been submitted yet.
submit feature requests only through the
Request Tracker.
read the instructionsthe User Manual
to make sure your request contains all the informationneed.
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